Name : Mostafa Mohamed EL-Sheekh
Date of birth: 9.2.1959
Mailing Address: Tanta University, Faculty of Science,
Botany Department, 31527 Tanta, Egypt.
Fax: 20-40-3350804,
20-40-3315832, mobile 012-410-6666
Page :
Nationality : Egyptian
Marital state: Married + 3 children
* May
1981. B.Sc. degree in Botany with a general grade excellent.
* 1983-1984
Post graduation courses in the subjects covering the following topics: Phycology and Physiology of Algae, Microbial Physiology,
Advanced Biochemistry Biostatistics and German Language.
* May 1986 M.Sc. degree in Botany
(Phycology) from Tanta University.
* March
1991 Ph.D. degree in Botany (Phycology) under the title: (The systematic position of some algal taxa and the effect of some
environmental factors on cell wall composition) under the Egyptian-German channel fellowship program.
* July
1982- June 1986 Demonstrator at Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University,
* Jun
1986- April 1991 Assistant Lecturer of Phycology at Faculty of Science and Education, Tanta
University, Egypt.
* May
1991- September 1996 Lecturer of Botany (Phycology) at Botany Department, Tanta University,
* October
1996, Associate Professor at Tanta University,
Faculty of Science, Botany Department, EGYPT.
* October
2001, until now Professor at Tanta University,
Faculty of Science, Botany Department, EGYPT.
* October
2002 until now Head of Phcology Research Group at Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University
* May
29, 2007 until now, Deputy Director of Quality Assurance
Center (TQAC) of Tanta
* August
4 2009 until now, Vice Dean Faculty of Science for Community Service and Environment.
International Fellowships
* 1988-1990
Ph.D. student at The Experimental Phycology Department, Göttingen University, Germany for completion the practical part of Ph.D. thesis under the channel system of Egyptian
German fellowships, GERMANY.
* October
1, 1991 - August 31, 1992 guest researcher at the Biological Research
Center, Hungarian Academy
of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary, through a
fellowship of the International Training Course on Selected Topics of Modern Biology, Sponsored by UNESCO, HUNGARY.
* March 15, 1994 March 14, 1996 research fellow in the UNIDO-International
Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, New Delhi, India.
* September 1- October 29, 1998 Guest researcher at Biological
Research Center, Institute
of Plant Biology, Szeged, HUNGARY.
* October 29 – December 28, 1998 Guest researcher at the Biochemistry
Department, Lund University, SWEDEN.
* June 5- August 2, 1999 Guest researcher at the Biochemistry
Department, Lund University, SWEDEN.
* July 2- September 2, 2000 Guest researcher at the Department of Autotrophic
Microorganisms, Institute of Microbiology,
Trebon, Czech Republic.
* 2006, 20-30 April, Visiting Professor at
Cady Ayyad University, Marrakech, MOROCCO.
* 2006 November 1- April 30, 2007 Visiting
Research Professor at the Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, JAPAN.
* 2007 August 29- September 5, Visiting Professor
at the Department of Biology, Selcuk University, Konya, TURKEY.
* 2008 February29- March 11, Visiting Professor
at the Department of Marine Biology, Vienna University,
Vienna, AUSTRIA.
* 2009 June 17-23, Visiting
Professor at the Department of Botany, Damascus University, Damascus, SYRIA.
* 2009 July 2- 9, Visiting
Professor at the Department of Marine Biology, Vienna University, Vienna, AUSTRIA.
International Courses and Conferences:
* 1986
September 15 -December 16, successfully completed a Course in English language at the American
University at Cairo, (Egypt).
* 1988
October 17-November 18, participation in a course on (Isolation, Culture and Reproduction of Algae) in the Algal Culture Collection,
Göttingen University, (Germany).
* 1989
September 4-9, V. Symposium on experimental Phycology, Göttingen (Germany).
* 1991
September 16-27, Advanced course on limnological Bases for River Management in Zaragossa (Spain).
* 1992
July 3-7, FESPP workshop on the environmental factors affecting Photosystem II, Szeged (HUNGARY).
* 1993,
March 29-30, the 8th Conference of Microbiology, Cairo, (Egypt).
* 1993,
April 5-7, the first Egyptian Hungarian Conference on the Environment, St.Catharine, Sinai (Egypt).
* 1993
June 28- July 2, Theoretical Course "Environmental Applications of the Biotechnology: Scientific Risk Assessment Methodologies"
UNIDO-International center for genetic Engineering and biotechnology, Trieste (Italy).
* 1994
October 25 - November 10, Workshop on "Insecticidal Endotoxins" UNIDO-International center for genetic Engineering and biotechnology,
New Delhi (INDIA).
* 1994
November 22 - December 10, Workshop on "Plant Transformation" UNIDO-International center for genetic Engineering and biotechnology,
New Delhi (INDIA).
* 1994
December 14-17, International Symposium on Molecular Biology, ICGEB- Jwahar Lal Nehru
University, New Delhi (INDIA).
* 1998
March 24, Workshop on the role of algae in development, and purification of waters of lakes and rivers, Ismalia
University, (EGYPT).
* 1998 August 17-22, XI International Conference
on Photosynthesis,
* 1998 August 23- September 1, European Science
Foundation Advanced
Summer School “Structure and Dynamics of Photosynthetic
Membranes” Szeged (HUNGARY).
* 1999, April 4,
Workshop on the Biotechnology in Agriculture, National Research Institute, Cairo (EGYPT).
* 1999, December 2, meeting on bioremediation
for the decontamination
of environmental pollutants, Zagazig University (EGYPT).
* 2000 March 31, Workshop on the environmental problems in Gharbia Governorate and the role of the University.
Tanta, (EGYPT).
* 2000,
May 7-8, 1st International Congress on Biological Sciences,
Tanta (EGYPT).
* 2000,
October 21-23, 1st International Symposium of Phycology,
Ismalia University
* 2001 June, 10-11, Workshop in the Bio-Agricultures, Mersa Matrouh Governor office, Mersa Matrouh (EGYPT).
* 2002,
April 27-28, 2nd International Congress on Biological
Sciences, Tanta
* 2003, February 23-28, 7th International
conference on Solar Energy and applied Photochemistry (SOLAR '03) combined with 4th International
Workshop on Environmental Photochemistry (Enpho '03), Luxor (EGYPT)..
* 2004, 28-29 April, The 3rd International
Conference on Biological Sciences, Tanta, (EGYPT).
* 2004, 27- 28 November, The first yearly Conference “Environmental Risk Management under Modern
Technological Aspects" Modern Academy,
Cairo (EGYPT).
* 2005, 21 May, workshop “Internal quality system” Tanta University (EGYPT).
* 2005, 22 May, workshop “Course Specification”
Tanta University (EGYPT).
* 2005, 21-23 June, The first International conference on renewable energy and hydrogen production
* 2006, 1-3 April, The First International
Environmental Forum “A new Strategy for Developing Communities and Environment” Tanta University (EGYPT).
* 2006, 22-26 May, Advanced course “Marine
Algae Culture: Techniques, Uses and Development Perspectives” Zaragoza (SPAIN).
2006, The International Computer Driving License (ICDL).
Research Interest
Biotechnology of microalgae, Microalgae and macerolagae as biofertilizers, Taxonomy of microalgae,
Genetic engineering of microalgae, Photosynthesis of algae, Algae as monitors for environmental pollution, Algae and cyanobacteria
as source of antimicrobial substances. Use of algae and cyanobacteria for degradation of environmental pollutants. Use of
algae to alleviate toxic effects of drugs and fatty liver in animals and humans.
Research Supervision
Eighteen students have successfully completed their M.Sc and Ph.D. theses under my direct supervision.
Students are from Tanta University, Menoufia University, Benha University, Mansoura University, South Valley University (15
M.Sc. and 3 Ph.D.). I am currently have 8 M.Sc. and 8 Ph.D. Students under my supervision, are from Tanta University, National
Research Center, Cairo, Benha University, Menoufia University. I have been acting as a referee for the M.Sc and Ph.D. theses
and research articles from Universities and as a referee in a position of assistant lecturer appointment at University of Mansoura, Damiatta branch.
Teaching Duties
I am teaching for undergraduate and postgraduate levels at faculties of Science and Education at Tanta
University and Faculty of Education at Kafr El-Sheikh branch, Faculty of Science, Menoufia and Canal-Suez University, Faculty
of Agriculture and Pharmacy, Tanta University.
Undergraduate Level:
General Botany (Morphology and Anatomy), Systematic Botany
(Virology, Bacteriology, Phycology, Mycology and Archegoniates). Taxonomy of algae, Physiology of algae, Bryophyta, Fossil
algae, Economic uses of Algae.
Postgraduate level:
Biotechnology of microalgae, Microbial physiology, Physiology
of algae, Molecular taxonomy of algae, Computer Science.
Teaching for the primary school teachers in the frame of the programme between Tanta University and
Ministry of Education for promotion of primary school teachers to the university level. I am also teaching computer sciences
for the postgraduate students with the cooperation with Ministry of communication and Information and Tanta University. Teaching for the Middle and
high school teachers in the frame of the programme of preparation of teachers to teach Science by English.
Regional Editor for Scientific Journals
1- International Journal of Botany
2- Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
3- Journal of Biological Sciences
4- Asian Journal of Scientific Research
5- Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
Reviewer for Scientific Journals
A- International Journals
6- Aquaculture (Elsevier)
7- Pakistan Journal of Marine Sciences
8- American Journal of Plant Physiology
9- Asian Journal of Agricultural Research
10- International Journal of Soil Science
11- Research Journal of Environmental Sciences
12- Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology
13- Journal of Great Lakes Research (Elsevier)
14- Journal of Coastal Research
15- Archives of Microbiology (Springer)
16- Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
17- International Research Journal of Microbiology
18- World Applied Science Journal
19- African Journal of Biotechnology
20- Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
21- Trends in Applied Sciences Research
22- African Journal of Agricultural Research
23- Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society
24- African Journal of Environmental Science
and Technology
25- International J. of Water Resources and
Environ. Engineering
26- International Research Journal of Microbiology
27- Journal of Engineering and Technology Research (JETR)
28- Research Journal of Toxins
29- Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture
30- International Research Journal of Biotechnology (IRJOB)
31- International
Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (IJPPB)
32- Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (JECE)
33- Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (Elsevier)
34- International Journal (Dirasat), Amman University,( Jordan)
35- Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences
36- Journal of Soil Science and Environmental
37- Forestry Studies in China
38- Ecological Engineering (Elsevier)
39- Journal of Environmental Biology
40- Journal of Phycology (Wiley-Blackwell)
41- Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment (JENE)
B- Egyptian Journals
42- Egyptian Journal of Phycology
43- Bulletin Faculty of Science, Assiut University
44- Bulletin of Faculty of Education Ain Shams university
45- New Egyptian Journal of Microbiology
46- The International Journal of Environmental Sciences (Catrina)
47- Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science
48- Egyptian Journal of Biotechnology
49- The Egyptian Journal for Experimental Biology
50- Egyptian Journal of Botany
51- Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
52- Egyptian Journal of Natural Toxins
C- Conferences
53- International conference of biological Sciences, Tanta University
54- The 2nd International conference
on phycology, limnology and aquatic science
55- The 5th scientific conference
of Faculty of Science, Zagazig University
56- 2nd International Workshop on Hydrogen production (Algeria)
Projects Reviewer
1- Reviewer
for the scientific project from Mansoura University
2- Reviewer
for the Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF) Projects
3- External
Evaluator for the Microbiology course at Faculty of Science, Menoufia
4- External Evaluator for M.Sc. and PhD programs for genetic Engineering Institute, Sadat
City, Menoufia University